P2 about our mission
Our Mission

Our Mission

Nurse60 is not just a nurse-on-demand service. We're a beacon of hope and convenience in an ever-evolving healthcare landscape. With over half a century of combined expertise, our team of renowned doctors and healthcare professionals embarked on a mission to transform how and where care is delivered to those in need.

Who We Are

Who We Are

At Nurse60, we are more than just a team of healthcare professionals—we are advocates for improved quality of life. Our journey began when a group of renowned doctors, rehabilitation administrators, and healthcare experts recognized a concerning trend: too many patients, primarily the home bound, were unnecessarily transported to emergency rooms for care that could be provided at home. Our research revealed that patients relying on scheduled nursing services at home often faced challenges accessing immediate assistance outside of their planned visits. Additionally, instances arose where the home care nurse lacked the necessary expertise to address specific medical episodes, leading to patients being transported to the hospital emergency room.

Innovation Through Collaboration

Innovation Through Collaboration

Determined to make a difference, we pooled our expertise and resources to develop an integrated system for at-home nursing services on demand. Our goal was to ensure that patients receive timely and expert care in the comfort of their own homes within the hour and available 24/7. Through rigorous face-to-face vetting, training, and unwavering compassion, we built a foundation that prioritizes the well-being of our clients above all else.

A Commitment to Quality of Life

A Commitment to Quality of Life

We offer a revolutionary approach to nursing care that comes directly to you on an as-needed basis. We enhance the quality of life for individuals and families alike. Especially in the post-COVID era, where more families are opting to care for their elderly loved ones at home, Nurse60 stands as a beacon of support. Whether it's administering vital signs monitoring, catheter replacements, wound care treatments, or any other specialized service, our mission remains unchanged: to keep your loved ones safe, comfortable, and out of the emergency room.

P2 experience the difference
Experience the Difference

Experience the Difference

Join us in reshaping the landscape of health care. Discover how Nurse60 can empower you and your loved ones to live life to the fullest, right from the comfort of home. Learn more about our services and commitment to quality by reaching out today.